Due to some medical issues, work and driving have been taken away from me for a while. Therefore, my days are spent stuck at home. While I have been trying to get some much needed things done, somehow my eyes have been drawn to daytime television shows. Here are the four that have drawn me in:

1. Rachel Ray. Last nights dinner was even inspired by this lovely lady. Her guests have been great! What I like about it is that it is not an emotional talk show with lots of crying and conflict. Its light hearted bringing awareness to the things going on around us. And you get to learn how to make a tasty treat, or something close to it.

2. Family Fued. You can't go wrong. Its classic. While you sit back and make fun of the answers family members give deep down you know that you didn't have one that was any better. Steve Harvey is the new host. His work gets two thumbs up from this Ebert. Not that my thumbs actually matter.

3. The Talk. The show is similar to The View. Which at first turned me off to them. Who wants to sit at home and listen to a bunch of grown women fight over things that they can't control. Vote me out. The Talk is not political. They are all so different, but can agree to disagree without it becoming a knock down drag out first. They discuss topics that any normal person could be in on. Like the top baby names for 2010.

4. Last but not least...Ellen. It has been the first half of the Twelve Days of Giveaways. This throws the show off a little bit cause you can feel the anticipation of when the giveaways are coming, but it is entertaining none the less. She does things that other daytime talk shows would never dream of doing. Its a delight to end my afternoon of being lazy!