Friday, December 10, 2010
Four For Friday...Daytime TV Edition

Friday, October 1, 2010
Four For Friday...Highlights Edition
Friday, July 30, 2010
Monday's Meet...
Four For Friday!
- Oh WalMart. Especially Campbellsville WalMart. Most places the worker would not have an effect on my choice of lanes. Its a different story at WalMart. There is a certain cashier that is habitually cranky. No matter how hard one may try, she just will not be happy. There is no such thing as cracking a smile to this woman. Therefore, my choice is to stop trying. Six years is long enough. However, being in such a small town, several of the workers are friends. Even though their jobs are tough, it is my mission to brighten their days if even a little when the opportunity arises.
2. Sandwiches: Do you prefer yours cut in half or served whole? What about hamburgers or chicken sandwiches?
- Sandwiches, half. Hamburgers, whole. Chicken sandwiches, half. My sandwich habits are weird. Who knew!
3. Facebook: As of this week, 500 million people were actively using Facebook to "stay connected with their friends and the people around them." How has Facebook changed or impacted your life?
- To say that Facebook has changed my life makes me laugh a little. But really, it has. If it weren't for Facebook there are people that I talk to now that I would not have kept in touch with without it. For someone that is super bad at keeping in touch, Facebook has allowed me to be a better friend to those that I don't see everyday. In fact, someone that is very important in my life used the outlet of Facebook to help me realize how truly bad my keeping in touch skills really are. Since then it has become routine for me to comment, post, like or message to friends that I sincerely care about. This generation wants to feel a sense of community and connectedness, and that is why we have social networking sites like we do. Personally, nothing thrills me more than knowing something has brought me back together with those that I care about.
4. Tweet: If you could send President Obama a Twitter message that's guaranteed to be personally read and responded to, what would send him (remember, tweets need to be 140 characters or less)?
- "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" Wanna see change?
Send me questions to answer next Friday!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Wednesday & Thursday
On this Wednesday I would also like to wish my sister-in-law a happy birthday! She told me just the other day that she has enjoyed reading my blog, so I have been waiting on pins and needles to use this as an outlet to wish her a happy birthday. Then I didn't have anytime to post. Sorry Rachel. I guess its happy belated birthday now! :) Also, Happy Birthday Granddaddy. We miss you. A lot!
Thursday's Letters I'll Never Send
Dear Old Friend,
Best wishes. Really, I wish you the best. Despite everything my prayer is that you would have all the good that you deserve and take all of the bad with the courage I know you have. It is hard for me to understand why we grew apart the way we did, but it just happened that way. To this day, every time your name comes to mind a smile is reflected on my face. You were a very patient, loving, understanding, good friend to me. We had some rough times, no doubt, but my best wishes go back as far as I can remember knowing you. It is good to see from a distance that you seem successful, but I only hope you are happy. Next time our paths cross it would be nice to catch up. It was a small stab last time when you acted like you didn't see me there. I know you did. Its okay. Seeing you was nice in itself. Thanks for all the good times, and even the bad. Learning is part of getting older. From you the lesson was obvious; don't sweat the small stuff, it isn't worth loosing a friend over. Love you forever my sister in Christ!
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
"Monday's Meet...."
To begin: Monday's Meet...Sarah.
While I am the definition of an extrovert, she is the complete opposite. Some would say its a wonder we are friends, while others question if we are sisters. Quiet, but quick-witted. Sarcastic, but sweet. Honest, but honestly lies. She is wonderful. There is no doubt that she is called to teach. One of the most important things she taught me is to teach myself. In the end, the only one responsible for what I think, is me. Not only that, but she is a lifelong learner as well, absorbing everything. Her heart breaks over injustice, but lacks mercy when it comes to stupidity. Someone once described her as childlike, but not childish. It fits. Her unpredictability makes being her friend an adventure in itself. Her love for Christ is contagous and inspiring. So is her love for her family, blood and otherwise. It doesn't take long to see that she is willing to give of herself for others. She has given so much for me. One day children will be lucky to call her mom. She looks forward to it everyday. If she was meant to live in a different time period it would be the 40's, as she lives to be classy. Her usage of big words points to her hobby of reading. As time passes, she never ceases to surprise me. Her perspective usually puts mine to the test. She is my accountablity, teacher, inspiration, and most importantly, my best friend.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
I say all of this though to announce the genuine excitement that it will be over four short days from now. In for days Dr. Norman will take this cast off for good. If it seems that she plans to do anything else, she will see nothing but my back WALKING out the door. Tomorrow starts my three favorite days of the week, so they will go by fast. Sunday morning I will crutch into church with confidence knowing it is the last time I will have to do so. Monday hanging out with my roommates we will be able to actually look forward to the next time we get to do this. Finally Tuesday, my Bible Study group will be able to take comfort in the fact that next week, I can get up and get myself something to drink. These moments will not pass with grief, but joy. The time is coming so soon!
Disclaimer: My friends and church family have been wonderful through this. Literally, I would not have been able to do anything without them . It would have been miserable instead of just an annoyance. Moving would have certainly not even been possible. They are wonderful, and I am more thankful for them than you can ever imagine.
You have to understand the excitement over my impending independence.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Four For Friday...Breakfast Edition
1. Oh my goodness! You have to run out the door right now and you haven’t eaten! Before dashing out, what do you grab to wolf down on your way?
- Either a poptart or a granola bar. If it were the poptart chances are it would be strawberry with the icing on top. The one's without it are just so dry. If it were the granola bar it would certianly be oat's and honey. There's nothing like sweet and crunchy.
2. What’s a popular breakfast you dislike?
- My parents have two main Saturday morning breakfast menus. Many of you that have spent the night as youngsters know its either pancakes or waffles. Did you know that people actually put peanut butter on them??? No way! I think its gross.
3. You’re going out for breakfast anywhere you want, and someone else is treating! Where do you go and what do you order?
- Cracker Barrel. Sunrise Sampler. Eggs well done. Biscuits with gravy. Bacon. Hashbrowns to replace the nasty grits. A milk to drink with a coffee on the side.
4. You’ve been invited to a breakfast potluck. What are you most likely to bring?
- The occassion has yet to rise for this. But I suppose, time permiting, I would bring pancakes. My parents taught me how to make the best, and it would be nice for me to share that with the rest of the world.
For next weeks Four For Friday...let me answer your questions. Ask away, and I promise an honest answer.