Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wednesday & Thursday

Sorry about my tardiness. Yesterday was the day of the cast removal, which of course means that there was time for walking and not posting. Today, I will catch up by bringing to you, "I want Wednesday" and "Thursday's Letters I'll Never Send." Enjoy!

I want Wednesday.

This very well may be the most selfish Wednesday that you hear from me. But hey, that's why its I WANT Wednesday and not here is a list of things that I need Wednesday. Its okay to dream. The computer that these posts come to you is a desktop that was purchased in 2003 right before college. Its not in bad condition, but its not great either. It works. The Internet connection has been kinda ridiculous. There is no such thing as using Internet Explorer or FireFox, my only browser that will work is an old school version of MSN which was used faithfully in its infancy. Its inconvenient, and annoying. So it all comes down to this. I want a laptop. While I do have some preferences on which one, it is very expensive. It is no secret that that kind of money doesn't exist in my world. So any brand would do.

On this Wednesday I would also like to wish my sister-in-law a happy birthday! She told me just the other day that she has enjoyed reading my blog, so I have been waiting on pins and needles to use this as an outlet to wish her a happy birthday. Then I didn't have anytime to post. Sorry Rachel. I guess its happy belated birthday now! :) Also, Happy Birthday Granddaddy. We miss you. A lot!

Thursday's Letters I'll Never Send

Dear Old Friend,
Best wishes. Really, I wish you the best. Despite everything my prayer is that you would have all the good that you deserve and take all of the bad with the courage I know you have. It is hard for me to understand why we grew apart the way we did, but it just happened that way. To this day, every time your name comes to mind a smile is reflected on my face. You were a very patient, loving, understanding, good friend to me. We had some rough times, no doubt, but my best wishes go back as far as I can remember knowing you. It is good to see from a distance that you seem successful, but I only hope you are happy. Next time our paths cross it would be nice to catch up. It was a small stab last time when you acted like you didn't see me there. I know you did. Its okay. Seeing you was nice in itself. Thanks for all the good times, and even the bad. Learning is part of getting older. From you the lesson was obvious; don't sweat the small stuff, it isn't worth loosing a friend over. Love you forever my sister in Christ!

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