Saturday, October 22, 2011

More Homemade Gifts For Sale!

Oh Christmas Tree!

This magazine Christmas Tree can be yours to keep or give as a gift for $8.

The color of the buttons can be requested to fit the decor of your room.

Sizes of magazines vary.

Disclaimer: The back of this is flat. It is great for setting against a door, wall, staircase, bookcase, ect. Just know that it shouldn't be sat somewhere that it can be seen from behind.

Homemade Gifts For Sale

The following pictures are a box that opens into four little boxes. On the inside are pepermints, hot cocco mix, mini marshmellows, and a note about the gift of the Magi. There are many many different decors for these boxes. You would be free to choose your design. They make great Christmas Gifts for the person that you don't know what to get! Or, if you have a big family like mine, one for everyone! They are $6 per box and include the stuff inside.

If you are interested in purchasing these lovely little gifts, please let me know. Also, if you have personalized paper that you woud like to pick out for a specific person, I would be more than happy to make one for that individual at no extra cost. All you have to do is provide me with six coordinating 12x12 sheets of paper. You can contact me by commenting here or emailing me at!

All of your help in spredding the word would be greatly appreciated as well. (I'm doing my best to make some extra money in the time of unemployement!)

More Homemade Gifts Are Coming Soon!

Keep Checking Back!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


(i may still post them both places. who knows what i may do)


Just keeping ya updated.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday's I Want: A Job

Some of you may already know, but as of last week I re-entered the world of the unemployeed. Right now, I simply want a job. Actually, it may not be all that simple. Not just any job. A job I love. Its selfish really. Everyday growing up I watched my father work in a job that he has never really LOVED. He did it though. Without complaining. He did it to provide. Somehow we are very different in this area. Doing something day in and day out that I don't enjoy takes a major major toll on me. Now that I'm writing it down, it sounds silly. Its just that I'm ready to move forward I guess. Hopefully that will happen. God calls, and provides. He knows the mearsure of my heart on the matter, even if it sounds petty. The confusing thing is, so far I have yet to put my finger on one thing I really want to do. The search is on.

Tuesday's Tip: Believe Him

Two weeks ago a dear friend from High School passed away after a long battle with lukemia. To say that the news shook me would almost be an understatement. It consumed me. My thoughts were back and forth between memories and worries. Lacey had a group of friends that were honestly more like sisters, and I couldn't get what they were going through out of my head. The class of 2003 Cheerleaders were undenyably close. There was one thought in the in between that simply would not leave the depths of my mind. A little background. After her death, all of the sudden my next step was to look through old year books. Senior year, right before graduation, she wrote, "Ebert, I really want to get in touch with "the man upstairs" (jk) I need to though. Jena and I have given you a hard time, but we've never meant it. And I'm so glad after your crash that you are okay. I truly <3 you (as a friend) Don't get fresh. God bless and good luck in all that you do. Lacey." As a Christain in North America its difficult to talk about persuction with perspective. However, it is faced daily in the lives of teenagers walking through the doors of their schools. There I experienced the closest thing I have ever experienced to real persuction. The truth is, Lacey really did give me a hard time about my faith in God. We were able to maintain many good times, and put our differences aside. Days would still come where the teasing would begin. Arguements would flare up over issues that I was too niave at the time to understand were not what Christ was about. Those times were tough, but I loved Lacey and her friends with all of my heart and consistantly reached out in any way possible to share the love of God. When she passed, fear struck. She may have accepted Christ beforehand, but for me to know for sure simply wasn't going to happen. A message that I pushed in all the wrong ways may not have made it into her heart. That fact broke mine. As the doubts of me making any difference plagued me, I read on. Others wrote things about my faith in ink on those pages. Someone even said they always admired my faith. Even if Lacey never accepted Him, He was still faithful. Every seed planted, and every arguement I messed up, He could still use. The only thing getting me through the unknown was the constant faithfulness of a God who loves Lacey as much as he loves me. Luckly, I was able to attend the visitation for my dear friend. While there, I ran into a few old buddies. One of which has undoubtly accepted Christ into her life since graduation. She is a light that continues to shine into that world. It makes me so pround to see my sister in Christ living everyday for Him alone. Every seed, every word. God is faithful.

Fast forward to a week later. My heath has not been the best. After a long process of trying to find answers, I came home for an appointment that I believed would be the end all be all. To my surprise, the doctor came back with news I was not prepared to hear. What they had found was unlike anything she had ever seen. She didn't want to touch it. A whirlwind of events ended in surgery to get a mass out of my left side as soon as possible. Doctors with much acclaim were telling me that they weren't very optimistic. Geez. Was this happening? Fear struck me again. Thoughts of my own death were looming over me now. Honestly, it was the most terrifying few days of my life. Emotionally, I shut down. Mentally, it was a jungle in there. It took me a while to share with anyone what was going on, but the inevitable came. First I made a few important calls. Then I sent out the dreaded group message to those I felt needed to know at that stage in the process. It was a plea for prayer. When I say plea, what it really was may have been boarderline begging. Still, my hopes were very downtrotten. Never had I been this discouraged. All of these feelings after just been smacked in the face with God's enduring faithfulness 7 days prior. Sad. It didn't take long for me to loose track. The good news is, God never looses patience, and will do anything to keep teaching me. Surgery was Friday. The report: whatever it was; was. It is gone. No longer there. Doctor couldn't find it. I had been healed. This time being punched in the face with Faithfulness may have taught me a lesson that will linger. A little longer at least.

With all that said, Tuesday's Tip has been long. The simple lesson to it all. (If you have even made it this far through my bore.)

"Though the mountians be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD who has compassion for you." Isaiah 54:10

Believe Him. He is Faithful always. He doesn't know how to be any other way.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Monday's Meet....Kenton!

The early appearance of Kenton in my 100 people I met in college comes to you do to the fact that he asked me to. There is no shame in admitting it. It was coming eventually, but during my last encounter with him, he made it clear that he was ready to be the star of Monday's Meet. Which is exactly part of the reason he is so dear to my heart. No one else in my life would probably even care much less flat out tell me with such gusto. That's what makes my friendship with Kenton so special. Honesty. We have seen the best and the worst of each other. Through it all, our ability to be gut wrenching truthful has remained. Most of the time there isn't even a need to try to say it with kooth just as long as it is frank and to the point. As far as personality goes, its hard to describe. When I try I end up just shrugging my shoulders and saying, "I don't know, he's just Kenton." One of a kind. To others he may seem overly energetic but to me he has a presence that brings people out of their shells a little to be more real with themselves. This guy is the type that will say what everyone else won't admit they are thinking. And with no apologies. He is who he is. Even if that's a crazy UofL fan! There are more "remember when" moments with him than I can count. He doesn't like to admit it, but I really did teach him everything I know. Skipping class may have been on the list, which probably wasn't a good idea. But heck, I didn't turn out so bad! No matter the weather a good long talk on the campus swings could cure many a bad day. Our friendship grew as I learned more about Kenton than most people know putting many miles on the ole faithful cavalier. I have never been the type to have lots of close guy friends, but he has defined for me what that role looks like. He has never treated me any less than a gentleman should giving me a clear standard to hold other men to. We have depended on each other like any brother and sister would. That's exactly what we are, a brother and sister in Christ living like family. We have seen each other through lots of mistakes big and small. While its true that I can't always defend Kenton's actions (nor he defend mine), I will always defend his heart. He is a good man.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Monday's Meet...

Preface: The theme of Monday's Meet came out of a silly idea to compile sort of a personality profile including 100 people I met in college. As my list grows of individuals to write about, my feelings about this whole idea have changed. It has gone from "look how different my friends are ha ha ha" to "wow, he/she really impacted my life." As cliche as it sounds, each one of them have been part of the journey to who I have become. That is so cliche that it almost makes me feel dumb to even type it, but it is undeniable. Some have been a big part of helping me let of go the past, some have laid a foundation of footsteps I want to follow in, and some have shown me exactly the person to never be again. In some way, every college age person goes through this. It really is the time that shapes us. We are shaped by each person that enters our journey and the path that they are on as well. With that said, my heart is thankful for the randomness of those I met in college!

With that said, let me journey back to where it all began!

Monday's Meet....Jazz!

My first impression of this lovely gal was a quite interesting one. We had communicated over email after finding out that we would be roommates at Campbellsville, but you still never know what exactly you are getting yourself into. As we moved in that fall day, bags and boxes started to empty and our personal touches started to be placed around the room. Now, it didn't take long for us to connect as we were both full of energy and excitement to be there. We seemed a lot a like, with similar interests and likes. Which was somewhat true. Then again, I couldn't help but to notice some of the things she was unpacking. The best example of this is the posters: first one up was multicolored butterflies, second one up was puppies, third one up was Good Charlotte, forth one up was Avril Lavine with hot pink lips. Until we got to know each other better, I was convinced my roommate had multiple personalities with her black knee high zipper boots and flowery tank tops . It turned out that she was completely normal and absolutely precious. When the word unique is used, even if not purposeful, it sometimes holds a negative connotation. Jazz gives that word the most positive meaning possible. The girl just does her own thing, and loves every minute of it. Her joy seems impossible to be true, but it is! Our hall was the hall of misfit toys, which could have been miserable since we were so different, but with Jazz it was nothing but fun! Funny experiences just followed us. That year held tough times for both of us, but her will to fight them exceeded any effort I had ever seen. Nothing would make her give up on a worthy cause. Lucky for me, she saw me as a worthy cause. This friend was one that would defend me to the death even if I was wrong. When I think about her, my heart gets heavy wishing that I would have been half of the friend she was to me. See, I got distracted by others a lot, and it caused me to neglect and take her way for granted. If going back was possible one of the few things I would do differently is to show her then how much she meant to me. We worked together on a summer mission team, and decided to take a break from being roommates the next semester. No doubt, the time apart was needed, but one semester would have been enough. While the feeling might not have been mutual I never stopped missing her as my roommate. However, her friendship taught me to never assume someone knows their importance in your life. She's a jewel with a heart of gold. But for sure we had some good times!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tuesday's Tip...Clutter

If you are at all like me, you suffer every now and then from a cluttered living space. After time, you loose the motivation to clean it up. It can be overwhelming. You look at a pile of stuff and think, "I have no idea where to even start." Trust me, most of my messes give me this feeling. There are even shows that focus on the problems of clutter and hoarding. While my problem is no where close to that extensive, I feel that they usually approach it all wrong. Typically they say to start with three categories: keep, dontnate/sell, and throw away. Two of those categories are forcing you to part with your things right off the bat. Disclaimer: this tip is not for those unable to live a normal life due to their clutter. Those people need to be in the mind frame of getting rid of their crap! Anyway, back to the point. Automattically you are going to experience some anxiety because you are overwhelmed by the thought of getting rid of something that is rightfully yours. My theory is to start by looking at the space and asking yourself, "What do I see the most of in this space?" It could be anything: clothes, trash, magizines, books, craft supplies, holiday decorations, dishes. After figuring out what you see the most of, you attack that problem first. You pull out and organize all of that item that you see, and then step back and see your progress. Then you ask yourself the question again. Soon enough you will organize the whole space. In the meantime you may find yourself getting rid of somethings because you see how having a certian amount of that one thing creates a mess.

Monday's Meet...

Meet Teresa.

You never know how important someone may become in your life. To be honest she started out as one of those people that is always in the background of your life. Being connected more to the people around you than having a friendship of your own. Somehow without realizing it, that all changed. We became friends.

It would take an awful lot to convince me that there is anybody in the world that has met Teresa that didn't like her. We sure had some good times. Most of my stories that start, "This one time in college," not only include her, but were probably her idea. Just to name a few: rubber ducking someone's house, faking an attack in the street, making multiple costumes, driving to North Carolina overnight, actors of the week, and drive by cap gun shootings. Although it was true most of the time, it wasn't fun and games all of the time. Her example and encouragement drew me closer to God than I have ever been. As I wrestled through insecurities and doubts, she supported me by searching together for answers and hope. She lives her passion for sharing the Word with the nations. Not only is Teresa full of ideas but she is also full of the means to accomplish what she sets her mind to. You could sit and talk to her for hours about who knows what, but I assure you the conversation would never be dull. She makes you think about the superficial and important things by asking questions that nobody else would think to ask. She is naturally comfortable to be around. Teresa is accepting of anybody without judgement or assumption. Expect adventure when you are around her. She lives the life of a servant leader as she would go to great lengths to do anything for someone in need. As long as its important to her, its important to those around her. Distance comes with being her friend, but loyalty remains.