The early appearance of Kenton in my 100 people I met in college comes to you do to the fact that he asked me to. There is no shame in admitting it. It was coming eventually, but during my last encounter with him, he made it clear that he was ready to be the star of Monday's Meet. Which is exactly part of the reason he is so dear to my heart. No one else in my life would probably even care much less flat out tell me with such gusto. That's what makes my friendship with Kenton so special. Honesty. We have seen the best and the worst of each other. Through it all, our ability to be gut wrenching truthful has remained. Most of the time there isn't even a need to try to say it with kooth just as long as it is frank and to the point. As far as personality goes, its hard to describe. When I try I end up just shrugging my shoulders and saying, "I don't know, he's just Kenton." One of a kind. To others he may seem overly energetic but to me he has a presence that brings people out of their shells a little to be more real with themselves. This guy is the type that will say what everyone else won't admit they are thinking. And with no apologies. He is who he is. Even if that's a crazy UofL fan! There are more "remember when" moments with him than I can count. He doesn't like to admit it, but I really did teach him everything I know. Skipping class may have been on the list, which probably wasn't a good idea. But heck, I didn't turn out so bad! No matter the weather a good long talk on the campus swings could cure many a bad day. Our friendship grew as I learned more about Kenton than most people know putting many miles on the ole faithful cavalier. I have never been the type to have lots of close guy friends, but he has defined for me what that role looks like. He has never treated me any less than a gentleman should giving me a clear standard to hold other men to. We have depended on each other like any brother and sister would. That's exactly what we are, a brother and sister in Christ living like family. We have seen each other through lots of mistakes big and small. While its true that I can't always defend Kenton's actions (nor he defend mine), I will always defend his heart. He is a good man.
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