Friday, July 30, 2010

Four For Friday!

1. Checkout: When you're making your way to the checkout lanes, does the person working the cash register have any impact on your decision of which lane you choose?

  • Oh WalMart. Especially Campbellsville WalMart. Most places the worker would not have an effect on my choice of lanes. Its a different story at WalMart. There is a certain cashier that is habitually cranky. No matter how hard one may try, she just will not be happy. There is no such thing as cracking a smile to this woman. Therefore, my choice is to stop trying. Six years is long enough. However, being in such a small town, several of the workers are friends. Even though their jobs are tough, it is my mission to brighten their days if even a little when the opportunity arises.

2. Sandwiches: Do you prefer yours cut in half or served whole? What about hamburgers or chicken sandwiches?

  • Sandwiches, half. Hamburgers, whole. Chicken sandwiches, half. My sandwich habits are weird. Who knew!

3. Facebook: As of this week, 500 million people were actively using Facebook to "stay connected with their friends and the people around them." How has Facebook changed or impacted your life?

  • To say that Facebook has changed my life makes me laugh a little. But really, it has. If it weren't for Facebook there are people that I talk to now that I would not have kept in touch with without it. For someone that is super bad at keeping in touch, Facebook has allowed me to be a better friend to those that I don't see everyday. In fact, someone that is very important in my life used the outlet of Facebook to help me realize how truly bad my keeping in touch skills really are. Since then it has become routine for me to comment, post, like or message to friends that I sincerely care about. This generation wants to feel a sense of community and connectedness, and that is why we have social networking sites like we do. Personally, nothing thrills me more than knowing something has brought me back together with those that I care about.

4. Tweet: If you could send President Obama a Twitter message that's guaranteed to be personally read and responded to, what would send him (remember, tweets need to be 140 characters or less)?

  • "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" Wanna see change?

Send me questions to answer next Friday!


  1. love this list! i agree about facebook changing how i connect with people, but i think for me blogging has been even more important b/c i feel like there is more of a give & take and community sharing--like with you in the past few weeks! love you dear!

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  3. i like my sammies cut into triangles. but i'm the with you on the chicken vs hamburger thing.
